onsdag, august 16, 2006


Os brasileiros não prestam de jogar futebol. Brasil - Noruega, 1-1.

Brasil has never, I repeat, never beaten Norway in a football match. Poor souls.

mandag, august 14, 2006

Calm day?

Well, it seems today has seen at least some improvement. No protest against Israel firing back at Hezballah bone heads. Let's see some withdrawal then. Alas, Netanyahu expresses the following:

"...if the Arabs lay down their arms there will be no more war, but if Israel lays down its weapons there would be no more Israel." - Ynet

And he uses the Hitler card Israel itself has critisized on other occasions.

"since Hitler there has not been a leader like the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad." (Ilan Marciano) - Ynet

Outside it rains. It rains so much I believe I have moved into a large aquarium. Needed. Now perhaps those nice chantarelle will come to a forest near me.

søndag, august 13, 2006

A day to forget

Hurrah, an agreement of seize fire has been made. Let's make the most of it and bomb some more!

When confronted with questions of guilty feelings and shame on befalf of their country when watching Lebaneese children and civilian being killed, a lot of Israelis make this answer: The whole strategy of Hizballah is to kill as many civilians as possible. There is no comparison with our professional forces having targeted Hizbollah rocket posts hidden amongst civilians.

I'll make this interjection: While Hizballah does not have rockets possible to steer, Israel SYSTEMATICALLY targets refugees, UN observers, Red Cross journalists AND make some of their most intensive bomb runs during night. Hizbollah stop firing their Katuschas during night. Hizballah does not have laser guidance, ground forces in Israel and extensive intelligence gathering. They fire and forget those rockets, while obviously giving the Israelis grievances on the ground inside Lebanon. Israel systematically targets civilians. Hizballah randomly hits civilians. While blindly lobbing stupid rockets into Israel is a war crime, intentionally hitting refugee camps and convoys must also be. Kofi Annan has never been more clear spoken in his worries of a systematic breach of human rights from the Israeli forces.

There is no comparing numbers that does any fairness to any war. A civilian casualty is still a civilian casualty, no matter if they are muslim, jew, christian, satanist, Lebaneese, Israeli, Russian, Syrian or whatever. War has the ability to make us all behave like animals. It is its nature. War is stupid stupid stupid.

One point to Israel though. Not compared to Hizballah (which should be kicked out of Lebanon by the way), but compared to US warfare. They do put their soldiers on the line early on and are willing to look their enemies in the eye. No no, not the detached politicians of course, but the lives of teenager reservists. USA systematically abuse human rights on a much higher level than Israel will ever manage. As Israel carries on, with the blessing of UN hater Bolton and Condoleeza Ricebowl, there is much to be said about the logic in politics.

Why, oh why, does Israel continue to defend their honour while targeting civilians and not the least, infrastructure not even under the control of their enemy? They have bombed Lebanon 40 years back in time. Reason: two kidnapped soldiers. No no no, this is not good enough. It is not civilised. It is an poor excuse to use fighter jets to bomb the last escape routes of innocent people to hinder a few guerillas.

It upsets me even more than the fact that I start working again tomorrow. THERE you can find an unreasonable comparison, like comparing a small, tiny in fact army with the might of a nuclear power with its superior force. With power comes great responsibility. When you are so much bigger, why bomb gasolin stations, hospitals, bridges, water and power plants indiscriminately? Hizbollah is not weakened by this, quite the contrary. They gain the support of the ones who are bombed by the, by now, common enemy - Israel. Heart shattering is what it is.

Shame on you, murderers! And if you ever call me antisemittic, your words fall on dead ears. Keep your religion and don't mix it with this. Even orthodox jews protest this war. Speaking of history, I understand you have a long tradition of neglecting UN resolutions, including setting of borders, punishing civilians for the acts of suicide bombers and so forth. Carry on, brave and proud.

One word: Qana.
Two words: Human rights.
Three words: Be very ashamed.
Four words: Get out of Palestine!

Israel, you are the new South Afrika. Apartheid is what your game is. Tear down the wall, let the people free.

tirsdag, august 08, 2006

Imperialists bork bork bork

Looking into a sky filled by soot, cries and the booms of yet another rocket, bullets, grenades and the splatter of blood. This does not make for a well adapted society. Generations will carry forth a mass induced shell shock, dynamite strapped against their waist - because that is how you expect differences to be solved. By weapon, not with useless words hitting dumb ears.

Jostein Gaarder, you know, the dude that wrote Sophies World, have caused quite a storm here in Norway by his poetic, nearly prophetic style, condemning the state of Israel in its current form. Dagbladet, a leading tabloid, printed a satiric drawing of Olhmert as Goeth in Shindlers List, standing with a view to an extermination camp. That made some people a tiny bit mad.

So, what is the point? Only that I find nothing controversial about expressing a view, however upset you might be. Critique of Israel, their current politics, ties to the USA and abhorrent behaviour in a senseless war - does not make antisemitism. As we would critizise any state or organisation, we have every reason to shout words of condemntation at actors willingly, easily and that with no regret target civilians. What likenesses there might be to the nazi period, where jews were targeted and condemned to inhuman torture, death and betrayal of everything holy are easy to see, exactly because it has happened to one of the involved parties in this current crisis.

I think it is shell shock. When six million of your fellow beings walks as ghost in the machine, you are doomed to have a hundred years of solitude. It is not possible to look away from this past and be reminded of what can happen if you do not, or cannot, stand up and oppose those that wish you harm. It is not strange that Israel every since the war has developed a tendency to behave as its worst enemy. Bitterness fades slowly and sometimes sorrow finds anger and focus it towards your neighbour in a form that we that stand outside cannot understand as anything other than apartheid, slaughter of innocence, xenophobia, rage, animal behaviour.

This is not about jews, it is about how a state carry forth. Religion is a backdrop, as is history and the amalgam of culture everything is. Israel is so much more that the religion of jews. You don't have to be jewish to be an Israeli. But it does seem a prerequisite to be an orthodox jew if you have a tendency to occupy Palestinian soil. As it is a prerequisite to be a fundamental muslim if you want to die the death of martyrs. And I who thought that was the priviledge of sexually frustrated catholic monks. Better leave religion out of it. But if you do that, what else is left of the Middle East? Oil? Oranges? Nuclear weapons? (How come they are called wmds in the hands of terrorist states like Iran, while in the hands of Israel they are necessary if never admitted??

Go fuck yourselves, all you who thinks caricature, critique and flaming words are antisemitism. Go fuck yourselves, all you who thinks caricature, critique and flaming words are worth a jihad.