fredag, november 18, 2005

Update of revolution

At a certain point, the police informant tells the camera he swallowed the equivalent of 300 cups of coffee before meeting the doctor.

At Wikid Ped for caffeine a witness account is included, where a student took the equivalent of 250 and further that it led to a permanent withdrawal from life syndrome.

My thought was: It sows some doubt on the credibility of his story. But then again, he is a big man and his metabolism is probably handling coffeine as a breeze through grass. Besides, being given advice to take excessive amounts of caffeine by the police does them no credit.

A factoid: caffeine has adjuvant effects on the analgesic effects contributed to Paracet and Aspirin. In other words, a pain killer, besides being a nervous system drug. Not often a good combination. Caffeine and Aspirin has beneficial effects during migraines. However, caffeine and Aspirin can also lead to ergotism. So, while you may flash visions or not, dry gangrene may set in. The warning is thus:

o not take ergotamine and caffeine if you are taking antifungals such as itraconazole (Sporanox) and ketoconazole (Nizoral); clarithromycin (Biaxin); erythromycin (E.E.S., E-Mycin, Erythrocin); HIV protease inhibitors such as indinavir (Crixivan), nelfinavir (Viracept), and ritonavir (Norvir); or troleandomycin (TAO).

The silly language is caused by trying to be discreet and speculative. I want to put both parts in a bad light. The police for being manipulative bastards on this level. The police informant simply because he is greedy. In business he was a damned thief and quickly let himself run errands for whomever paid him in favours or money. While I at moments saw him wanting to confess his whole life as rotten fruit, all that became was charade. Those 15 minutes of fame scared the socks of a lot of people. But him, now under the protection of PST! - the Police Safety Services. Formerly known as POT. The old Crime Investigation Agency (KRIPOS) has become New Crime Investigation Agency.

I'm just asking: who takes the more acid? Pushing coffee and at blame for having their witness shot in the leg is way across the line.

This is revolution

Feil som fy

Alt tilgjengelig fjernsynsunderholdningsmateriale består av Beat for Beat og Film Star på TV2. Det er feil som fy. Det er ikke det at jeg bor i ei hytte i Lommedalen. Det gjør jeg ikke. Ikke ser jeg lysfontener heller.

Det er likevel feil som fy.

Dagen i dag har kanskje vært litt ut på viddene. Det startet med en dårlig samtale og fortsatte med å si fra meg vervet som tillitsvalgt. Hm. Slikt skjer. Tror neppe alt var så feil likevel. Små misgrep skjer her og da. Tålmodigheten renner av meg som vann på gås. Ikke den ytre tålmodigheten. Ikke noe bannskap, men derimot en rimelig dyp graving i hva tålmodigheten består i. Rimelig og rimelig. Det er ikke slik at mitt hele meg ble definert eller noe slikt.

Jeg bare kjente at jeg var ganske fornøyd og kanskje til og med litt lettet. Dagen var over, greit nok. Det fantes faktisk tvil hos meg i det klokken passerte fire. Skulle jeg gå eller skulle jeg jobbe litt mer mon tro? For å si det slik: tvilen måtte vike for fri luft og en lang gåtur. Selvsagt kan jeg si det på den måten. Det ville jo ikke vært å lyve. Kanskje ikke den mest nyttige beskrivelsen av ettermiddagen jeg kan komme på, men det ville vært så mye verre om virkeligheten var annerledes. I virkeligheten har jeg faktisk hatt en strålende ettermiddag. Men som sagt, uten å se lysfontener. Det er feil som fy.

Hvem var det som var overbegeistret av Beat for Beat? Jo jo, på onsdag, festen vi hadde sammen med våre kolleger: det var ei som var over seg av begeistring. Tro meg. - Det er det beste programmet NRK har laget, ever. Jeg må ha feilparafrest, mjau. Det skal ikke høres ut som NRK i utgangspunktet ikke kan stoles på. På ingen måte. Programmet var det beste på TV. Intet mindre. Og ja, jeg tror hun syntes TV var veldig bra, uten å tilbe noe husalter. Altså ingen fanatisk person. Noen jeg trolig ville stolt på i veldig mange sammenhenger. Jeg stolte egentlig på henne der og da også.

Det er ikke det at jeg ikke kan forstå og ha empati med Beat for Beat-tilhengere. Det er bare det at noen ting her i verden er for fjerne til å tale dem etter munnen. Hvem har Ivar Dyrhaug blitt til siden Halvsju? Jeg kjenner ham ikke igjen. Han er så rar. Hvor har jeg havnet? Som på onsdag, når jeg skippet sjefen til en kollega hjem i en drosje. Aktuelt å vente 20 minutter på riktig trikk for å bli kvitt noen som åpenbart ikke lenger er til å stole på? Hallo, det var vel ingen som i sin villeste fantasi kan tenke seg til at jeg dro med henne hjem for å lidenskapelig nyte hennes selskap? Hallo? Nei, det var det alstå ingen som trodde. Nei, jeg har mistet lommeboken min og alt jeg - uttrykte hun. Den er grei, trenger ikke snakke mer om det. Er du SIKKER på at det er her du bor? - Ja, jeg tror det.

Det er relativt trist syns jeg. Slik i ettertid, å tenke på denne damen som har så veldig lite å nyte. Derfor unngår jeg å tenke på det. Annet enn at det der og da var det eneste valget jeg hadde. Derfor lukker jeg døren og ber sjåføren kjøre meg bort fra dette triste stedet med den triste damen.

Litt slik har jeg det med Beat for Beat. Det rører ved roten til alt ondt. Det handler om ensomhet og død. Trenger verden virkelig karaoke? Det er ikke ofte jeg spør meg om det, men det hender. Svaret er alltid aaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Klart man skal la musikk styre. Det er ikke nødvendig slik at Beat for Beat skal styre. Det er bare ikke min greie.

Jeg er heller ikke særlig overbegeistret for Film Star. Enden på visa blir at jeg setter meg og leser science fiction og hører på breaks fra 80-tallet. Og en trenger ikke å være utøvende kunstner for å få til det.

tirsdag, november 01, 2005

Comission for abandonment

Sweden has done it. They have had the brave vision long due to materialise. They have, by their Prime Minister, created the comission for the abandonment of oil. It has been set down with the mandate to find methods and ways to deploy these that mitigates and in the final run makes it possible for Sweden to be independent of oil.

One of his arguments was among the lines of:
If we look fifteen years into the future, we will have difficulties with our predictions. If we look at the oil prices 15 years ago and now and then fifteen years into the future we can have an idea. It is obvious that something is taking place, and we must be ready for this big change.

Four ministers will be members of this comission, led by Göran Persson himself. Because we, and I have an intense belief in the environmental issues - as he said.

Björn Carlson, a eh... quite a rich Swede, has donated 500 million SEK to rehabilitate the Baltic Sea and Botniska Viken which has suffered tremendously from pollution and runoff nitrogen, killing most life and making it inaccessible to swimmers due to cyanide algies.

Now, comparing the placing in space and time of these two news is interesting indeed. Six o'clock news on the biggest and most trusted television channel. Mature men the both of them. Göran Persson just selected for his fourth term as head of the social party. It was during a press conference there that he announced these news. Stefan Edman, an environmentalist, will be the General Director of the comission.

Björn Carlsson, well, he has had a stroke recently, but obviously lucent and cooly inspired. When asked he denies the thought of this being an idea that was made by him suddenly, but has been building for five years. He has been giving it a lot of thought and found that this was probably the best he could do to serve society. A fairly anonymous business man with a background in academics.

No matter. They might now each other or not. They may both be avid fishermen for all I know. It is what they have initiated that is just mindboggling. It remains to see if there is energy to fulfill those goal, but of course it is. In the immediate future, Botniska Viken will have the biggest benefits. Making it public and in conjunction with the new comission will hopefully better the chances of meeting success.

Bravo. A monsterwave of Schröedinger proportions might arise.

Now, living next door, where we have just billions of barrels under the sea, what have we done? As far as I know, we rely on the day to day progress and maturity of the future. Sometimes, we are so boringly grounded it is defensible to rip a head or two off our shoulders. There hasn't been a political vision here since post war and to a slighter extent the seventies. No, not that oil is all we have, but it has given us a lot of economic leverage and made possible a slightly benign nature. I must not remember that the last three years has brought horrible twists and an horrifying economic logic behind every official move. Economic motives based on symbolic values, such as moola, will always bring with it a polarization. There are those that see money itself as valuable. There are some that does not realize that the dollar you have today will be a cent on the roof tomorrow if you don't invest it in renewable commodities. Ideas is such a commodity. A tree is also a commodity. Some trees are better worth on the walls of your house than alive. What is sustainable?

It is time that everyone pulls this one off the drawing boards and stop competing on economic terms solely. Nature is all we have as real resource, in the now and in every valid future. I for one, would like to look at nature as so much more that a tree in a park and to a lesser extent disturbed by short-term gains. Short term today might be like a second tomorrow. There is no squirrel in the woods when a tree falls and no-one hears it.