onsdag, desember 28, 2005

Snow is nice

It has been snowing non-stop since yesterday evening now. Big, frilly downs coming from the sky. As it is minus 8 centigrades, the snow is utter perfection. Loose and light. The world is becoming so soft, so white, so tranquil.

I like. :)

mandag, desember 26, 2005

Christmas nostalgia

It is a fine time. Full of good food, cakes and cozy in-door activities. With family or good friends.

However. I notice I am very lonely. Everyone is occupied on their own turf. And from being the leader of the pack as a youngster among my friends, I am now the outsider. I have placed myself there possibly. Everyone, or so it seems, have closer friends, or even girlfriends/boyfriends.

The point is: I miss to have someone very close to me. To have more than a familiar hug. To wake up and not be alone. I miss it terribly. No queer detail or obsession with abstract thought can mend that feeling.

I feel rejected.

lørdag, desember 17, 2005

Energy reserves

Not what I myself have today. No.

However, on the news just now, Statoil have exposed the possible existence of a thick layer of coal underneath our major oil fields. About three times as much energy stored than oil reservoirs found so far. About 3.000 billion tons. More than the estimate by British BP on world availability, estimated at 900 billion tons. Absurd.

Bugger. Does this mean Norway can just float on money for another hundred years? Bellona, a powerful anti-pollution society, are positive that the reserves can be exploited safe and clean. Bellona is a major lobbyist towards major companies, using hard science and cutting edge ideas within a capitalist framework. Well then, as this project is heavily dependent upon implementing CO-handling, novel ways of extraction and advanced infrastructure building on an already vaste resource base - this might be a real x-mas present for future generations.

Will we become dormant yet again after a short burst of innovation? How can we find goals to invest in, outside the handling, processing and refinement of coal? I mean, which benefits can we reap from what we are now to begin? How far into the future must we now begin to plan for?

Just so that it is said: Norway already have a lot of money in the Petroleum Fund. About 200 billion USD net invested over the last 15 years. Thats... about 44.000 USD per head. No, as individuals we never see these money. Future commitments for social benefits amount to about four times the current value of this fund. Unless the fund keeps growing for a good while, those commitments cannot be reached with a standard of living equal to that of today. Actually it is a real challenge how to invest even the interests without causing inflation. A luxury problem, yes. It does not make Norway a more effective or ambitious country when it comes to social rights, even if these are preserved.

My hope is that our investments will mean real gains in the quality of life far outside Norway. In the long term this will benefit Norway enormously. In the short perspective this must mean a willingness to share more. Sacrifices... hah. There are no sacrifices if you already have what is necessary for a society where one have the opportunity to be free and happy.

Three times as much coal than oil. That is just absurd.

onsdag, desember 14, 2005


I have been thinking again. Had to spend intensive time thinking about something very different from what my day brings. Or rather brought. Today I am close to indifferent from what happened yesterday. Not indifferent, just knowing it can wait. There is no need to rush things.

Imagine a rubber band thrown at you with its hole facing you, coming through the air like a rollercoaster. Up close you see it as a tunnel down through time, an upstream river. Zoomed out it is a spot on a sinus curve.

Let that rubber band be for one moment frozen in mid air. What if that rubber band, at that moment in time, is the only thing in the world real to your eyes. It still moves. How can that be?

My thought for the day is that sometimes, maybe all the time, these surroundings build up a reality that seems elastic. It takes still a few nanoseconds for your eyes to grasp bundles of waves themselves having definition in time. Those fancy mechanisms making it possible to act. To react. When enough is enough, reality may conceivably be deconstructed. Thought seems to be moving back and forth through history, comparisons and truly novel sensory input. Just as elastic as that rubber band.

My sister. She wants to have hand-made earrings. Silver sphere on a simple hook. Asking one of my brothers, he said: How should I know? That you must be knowing much better than me.

So now it's xmas, real soon. Season to be folly, la la.

tirsdag, desember 13, 2005


An example is the B612 Foundation proposing to use a gravity pull to deflect a near Earth asteroid in a controlled manner. While they do not say anything much about the technological aspects of such a solution - the proposed solution is to place this machine at a constant alignment on either of the poles and attract the asteroid.

Gravity is an interesting thing and is not something I easily understand. Electromagnetic waves are a tad easier. Waves are nice. Me like water.

tirsdag, desember 06, 2005

Nuclear proliferation

Well well.

Hipocrazy disclosed. Again. Conspiracy nuts are probably not the craziest lot on this planet.

1959: Norway, having produced heavy water at Rjukan since WWII (oh, the Germans had their infamous factory there during the war as well. We just picked up the technology), sold 20 metric tons to Israel. In full knowledge of it being used at the Dimona nuclear plant. Norway also delivered technical equipment and expertise.

October 2005: IAEA and el Baradei (excellent man) gets the Nobel Peace Price for their work to control and hinder the proliferation of nuclear arms.

End of November 2005: Secret papers declassified. Arab League demands that Norway discloses their historic dealings with Israel.

Israel has never acknowledged having nuclear arms. Touchy subject. Everyone know they have them. They were disclosed as early as 1960. Vanunu got 18 years in jail for taking pictures of the reprocessing plant producing plutonium (from a uranium core emerged in Norwegian heavy water). Still they are excempt from all dealings concerning nuclear proliferation. Now they threaten to bomb nuclear factories in Iran to hinder the development nuclear arms in the Middle East region.

The Norwegian Foreign Ministry refuses to comment on the issue, as it is "a historic case and nothing more".

Fuck them all.

Did you know that Norway was the sixth country in the world getting a working nuclear plant? The Kjeller plant is still up and running as an experimental plant and we have very high expertise, even though we do not approve of nuclear plants as a source of electric power. It was also at Kjeller that SAM II, one of the first supercomputers was developed. CERN chose Norsk Data as developer for their project. Just mentioning it. Now they do really high science both on nuclear issues and nanoscale engineering and material sciences. I get more and more confused about how much Norway has had to say in world politics.

We are rich and resourceful. That is for sure. Sometimes we are bastards and hipocrites. Like most nations. What is above the surface is just part of the truth.