mandag, februar 27, 2006


Værmannen så nesten redd ut i dag, med sine hvite spådommer. Kremt, ja, så blir det en ny runde med snømåking, da. På Østlandet vil det snø ganske kraftig, ganske lenge. Helt til mandag. Fredag ser faktisk ut til å bli en fin dag over hele landet.

Jeg har gått på ski i dag. Opp bakkene, over skare, bortover li. Det var først ved sistnevnte jeg fant perfekt feste og gli. En gammel svensk lilla, en liten liten bit igjen. Pusten og pulsen blir bedre, ansiktet friskt. Det var ganske hasardiøst å kjøre nedover på skare, hvor skiene bet nedi og vanskelig gikk annet enn rett frem.

I morgen blir det ski. Onsdag, torsdag, fredag, lørdag, søndag. Denne ukes plan. I tillegg må jeg ta i et tak på jobb. Sistnevnte mye mindre fint enn dalende snø. Snømannen/Værmannen har ikke skylden for været, han ber oss være forberedt. Snø er tross alt bedre enn iskaldt regn og søle overalt. Så kommer våren. Det blir bra. Riktig bra. Hegrene har visst kommet tilbake. Kanskje blir det en tidlig vår, spår min far.

Det er ikke så lett å lytte til spådommer uten å føle en spenning. Nesten som i Woody Allens Match Point, der ballen vipper på nettet. Vil det bli slik det ser ut til å bli? Hm. Jeg må i hvert fall huske å ta med meg bilnøklene.

PR-tur av Politiet

Jeg vil vise til Dagbladets artikler om politiets pågående aksjoner mot hasjkjøp på nedre .Grünerløkka. I dagens artikkel, utrykker leder forebyggende tiltak, Grønland Politistasjon, Geir Tvedt følgende om resultatene av ukens arrestasjoner:
- At så mange ikke er blitt registrert hos oss før, tyder på at det er helt vanlige folk som drar til Akerselva for å kjøpe seg hasj. Det er ikke belastede folk som vi kjenner fra Skippergata, men vanlige arbeidsfolk og studenter. Dagladet

Derfor ønsker Politiet å gjøre nedre Grünerløkka til et tryggere sted. Det er heller ikke mange underårige som er tatt i aksjonen. Hvis en skremmer bort kjøperne, ved for eksempel å kaste 127 av dem på glattcelle, vil det ikke være lett for selgerne å finne seg noe nytt sted som er like godt egnet.

Joda, Grünerløkka er ikke stedet der så mange løfter et øyenbryn over det svært synlige salget. Det går rolig og diskret for seg for det meste. Kidsa er problemet, disse små gjengene med drittunger som reker rundt og lager kvalm. Ja, det er en større tetthet mentale alpeluer på Grünerløkka enn andre steder i byen. De tilreisende kjøperne er som Politiet selv påpeker, helt normalt fungerende mennesker som har en jobb, eller studerer.

Jeg forstår ikke helt problemet her. Politiet forstår visst heller ikke problemet med å kaste folk på glattcelle mens de arresterte blir sjekket i saken. De arbeider nemlig med å kunne utstede forelegg på stedet. I mens går andelen normale mennesker blant befolkningen ned. For, når den arresterte får sitt på rullebladet og ikke lenger er ukjent for politiet, føyer dette mennesket seg fint inn i rekken av unormale, marginale, syke og gale. Jeg velger likevel å heller se det som en seier for den allerede eksisterende majoritet av Norges befolkning som ikke kan fanges i noen mal.

Jada, vi holder alle forskjellige roller, vi har alle mer eller mindre sterke bånd til andre mennesker. Vi har alle våre mål, øyeblikkets behov eller fremtidens vyer. Det virker for meg som om Politiet her ikke bare ønsker å minne om hvilke konsekvenser det KAN ha å handle mot gjeldende lov, men også at gjeldende lovutøvelse ikke treffer riktig målgruppe. Loven er ment å forebygge de handlinger som kan medføre skade på individ, eiendom eller samfunnets mål. Loven er vel neppe ment å ramme vilkårlig? Ja, jeg mener det er vilkårlig å straffe de 127 arresterte hvor mange det nå har blitt, for handlinger som etter Politiets sigende er normale. Med normal forstår jeg fungerende og ikke mer amoralsk eller pøblete enn befolkningen forøvrig.

Det går rett til kjernen av spørsmål om hva samfunnet er tjent med. Hvilken adferd skal tillates hvor? Neivel, da er det vel for de som fortsatt ønsker å ryge sin pipe at binde seg opp mot faste leverandører på Oslos beste vestkant. Det er den dag i dag fruer på Frogner som har cognac på blå resept.

lørdag, februar 25, 2006

Match Point

by Woody Allen, of course. So, let's not speak more about him. Suffice to say there are more choices than just love or hate. Some you may like, some you may find boring, some you may touch you in places you didn't know existed.

Game, set and match. A ball rolls off the egde of a net, with just enough balance to make you doubt it's path. It is a fight of prey and carnivore, of equal potential. Is it a game of randomness? No, I would not say so. This film is disturbing, in the most elaborate way. Every little detail rips through the deepest of our myths, of human behaviour, cravings, strength and weakness.

As our protagonist plays his ways towards the sensible, his eyes are more than focused upon ambition and to have that which cannot be had. Nola Rice (Scarlett Johansson) is a jaguar impersonator, a cat to purr, not entirely tamed, warm and intelligent. Jonathan Rhys Meyers (Chris Wilton) is ebservant, focused, ambitous and of course full of emotions kept under lid, portioned out. He is a cave man, the modern scholar, a veritable tragic hero. There are numerous references to Greek Myth, Russian literature, quantum physics and narrative techniques. It has been a very long time since I saw such an intense film. It is of game theory and feelings that must be expressed, agonizing choices that might have been taken in that split second or planned for a long time.

Jonathan does not necessarily want fame and fortune. If he can have it, does he not then have a duty to take it? In his work as tennis coach at a swab spa, with a handsome face and charming manners, he soon becomes included in the closest of family circles and the nice life. These are upper class people, who not only command respect and exude confidence, but who also have money and the means to use them. The good life indeed. A good life is not necessarily an easy one, or bound to chance alone. If that gun hangs on the wall there, must it not be used?

Match Point is one of the best films I've seen in a long time. It made me quirm in my seat, wanting to close my eyes, but never ever daring to miss a single second.

onsdag, februar 08, 2006


Jonas Gahr Støre, make note of that name. He is fast becoming a very strong politician. With freedom comes responsibilty.

- I cannot sit here and say I am sorry for something I have not done or have not meant. The right of expression is a right, not a duty. Freedom of expression is absolute. Of course one can say degrading things and make jokes as one wish. Do I think that what was done was wise? No.

And then I wrote on. However, it is too early to say what will become. There are scary parallells in time, but also some encouraging episodes. Can one hope for a reconciliation, is it not coming yet. It is really a deep conflict of importance. Protestants and catholics are quite unlike when it comes to this issue, but that is just surface. Secularisation versus fundamentalists on all sides, is something so more complex. Secularisation does not mean the abolisment of religion. It just becomes a bit mroe personal. And ain't we the ones to speak, ridden as we are with existential angst. At least statistically there is a link between the lack of light and depression.

Statistics are lies. It is the lack of snow that drives us nuts in the winter. Now it is here, at least I feel so much lighter. A meter of soft snow does wonders. Probably incomprehencible, but that is how things are. If you could ever feel the silence of the forest on a night like this. On a starry night shines an almost full moon. Should you ever fall, enjoy.

tirsdag, februar 07, 2006

On another note however

The distinguished ewe named Thelma, barely avoided ending up as sheep most do in the busy days before christmas, and became a pet.
- what would she have become if you had not saved her? says the reporter
- eh... ribs! says the three year old boy with a big smile on his face
- and what does she do now?
- she runs. She runs REAL fast!

Thelma really likes to run with a harness. She is really having fun, as well as the kid, hanging on with his fingernails to the sled. And so, it went to become a real good life for Thelma. Not as her sister, laying very flat in the sled as a very warm rug.

Grandad looks on expressing pure bafflement.

This from the news on TV. 8p

Day three

Today, six Norwegian soldier were injured by a mob throwing hand grenades and stones, in addition to shooting into the ISAF camp. I ask you, what kind of demonstrators carry hand grenades? The Norwegian soldiers retaliated shooting plastic bullets and throwing cannisters of CS. Proud of them.

In Teheran a same kind of mob are throwing stones and firebombs at the Norwegian embassy. In Beirut a man jumped to his death from fourth floor of the consulate, escaping the fire ignited by yet a mob. Seven people have so far been killed in all these episodes. A sad day.

The deeper issue seems no closer to being resolved. Neo-anzis are agitating their hords, encouraging their fellow hooligans to bring base-ball bats, chains and other useful items in order to protect themselves at the posted muslim demonstration this Saturday in Oslo. Israel have their nuclear bombs while everyone is pissed at Iran for enriching their uranium. Israel make two strifes with their jets, killing most probably innocent Palestinians. Bush make a 6,9 % raise in the "defence" budget, while cutting Medicare.

Someone is placed here and there to initiate sensless physical agression towards enemy by proxy. I think I am one of many who does not understand this chain of events that is unfolding. I could cry. Does it help?

Fuck you, mr editor of Magazinet. On the holiest of days for muslims you publish 18 coarse caricatures of a prophet. Even if I think there are only self-fulfilling and self-destructive prophesies, you don't need to do such things. And fuck you, senseless barbarian, using grenades against words.

mandag, februar 06, 2006

sparks in a barrel of gunpowder

It is still incomprehensible for me that an individual can use violence to react against words or pictures. It is not understandable as a rational act. It is an emotional act. Emotion cannot be understood in anything other than emotions. Sympathy, empathy. As a group act it becomes so much more, so much more.

Palestine seems to me to be like a great psychological trauma. Western society turns their heads and demand quietude from a pure victim of violence. Israel as a nation seems to me to be so deeply rooted in world war II, that I really can understand their generational rage. It is a well described process where children of child abusers themselves are torn asunder. It is understandable and therefore a NOT TOLERABLE PATTERN OF BEHAVIOUR. Shame on you! Act different and use those strong convictions and existential angst to a common good. Such strength. I am sure you can do better than to blow yourself up or demolish houses. Fuckwads.

However. Politics and exploitable groupings. Highly skilled orators and a society in shambles. Executioners and the Roman emperor Bushius II on an orgy. Some of the players remain hidden for a public view, except through Syria. There also seems to be a quite stupid agitator on the christian fundamentalist side. Speculation and conspiracies. Yes, and I do think it is such a time. What happens the next weeks will indeed decide the list of possible outcomes. I believe such a dramatic time is here, because it is described as the most nervous situation in the region for 15-25 years by real veterans of the trade. Still, the chances are well on the positive that this can be stemmed and a new understanding of tolerance be created.

What will be laid on the weight tomorrow? What will be said on Friday? Can please just somebody explain that this is NOT the single act against you to go to war over. Why waste the blood, even of infidels, on barren ground? Yes, of course insulting other people is forgivable. And if not, I trust no man to act the role of vengeful god.

On the good side, it is amazing how well-known these itty bitty countries of the far north are known, even to the detail of local press.

This is by now a political act. A real super plan. It holds the promise of utter chaos at the tiniest act by a basically anyone. Let the folly hold their tounges. The trouble is, there are so very many acts we do that holds no moral meaning to us. We are possibly the others. The enemy. Someone will always dislike what you do or say. If you reach a large enough audience that is. I don't think any of those jokes you privatly tell would go well down with certain people - and their friends, and their underlings.

And dammmit, all you ultras out there. You, who think prevetion is sin. You, who think skin is sin. You, who thinks walking without a hat is sin. You, who think eating meat is sin. All of you are on a misconceived path. Please, stop using prevention, but don't you refuse your neighbour to do so. Please, cover up every inch and lie in a dark room, shut yourself out, but don't do that to your wife. Please, drive 40 on the highway with your hat, but pull over. Please, eat nothing that remotely can be connected to exploitation. Such extremes is nothing of rationale, all of emotion. And on some things, we never will feel the same.

lørdag, februar 04, 2006


If anyone out there have followed the current news concerning drawings of a holy man, answer me this: what is this all about? I find it quite incomprehensible. I know the perception of reality to be but a holographic representation. I cannot reach into someone else's head and percieve what they perceive. If as that would be a goal. I konw I cannot be the other part. Still, how can it be that physical aggression is so easy to find when words are spoken or drawings are shown?

Yes, the paper in Norway reprinting the alleged profanity, is a fundamentalist piece of crap. No, it should not be necessary to burn an embassy for being provoked by assholes. I do declare my right to speak freely and to be spoken freely to. Shout at me, call me a clown or the ugliest woodpecker shitload, your mother is with the worst of them. I get upset when you stamp on everything that represent my culture. I get upset when you insult my family. But, do we not respect those that show restraint? If it is an eye for an eye, it must be a word for a word.

The world becomes very complicated when you have shell shocked fundamentalists. I guess I would be a bit jumpy too if I had grow up being shot at. I hate guns. I hate seeing Mosad standing on the corner. I hate walking past the American Embassy and having bored police holding machine guns. Fuck you all. Fuck all of you that think a gun will solve your indignation. Fuck you for thinking you are the better part, where you stand, twenty slugs waiting to rip out a heart.

Respect has been broken all ways possible. Hurrah.

So, I am going skiing tomorrow. Fcuk all is a moose standing there. Not smiling. Not yelling. Just a bit irritated for you messing up tranquility.