onsdag, desember 28, 2005

Snow is nice

It has been snowing non-stop since yesterday evening now. Big, frilly downs coming from the sky. As it is minus 8 centigrades, the snow is utter perfection. Loose and light. The world is becoming so soft, so white, so tranquil.

I like. :)

mandag, desember 26, 2005

Christmas nostalgia

It is a fine time. Full of good food, cakes and cozy in-door activities. With family or good friends.

However. I notice I am very lonely. Everyone is occupied on their own turf. And from being the leader of the pack as a youngster among my friends, I am now the outsider. I have placed myself there possibly. Everyone, or so it seems, have closer friends, or even girlfriends/boyfriends.

The point is: I miss to have someone very close to me. To have more than a familiar hug. To wake up and not be alone. I miss it terribly. No queer detail or obsession with abstract thought can mend that feeling.

I feel rejected.

lørdag, desember 17, 2005

Energy reserves

Not what I myself have today. No.

However, on the news just now, Statoil have exposed the possible existence of a thick layer of coal underneath our major oil fields. About three times as much energy stored than oil reservoirs found so far. About 3.000 billion tons. More than the estimate by British BP on world availability, estimated at 900 billion tons. Absurd.

Bugger. Does this mean Norway can just float on money for another hundred years? Bellona, a powerful anti-pollution society, are positive that the reserves can be exploited safe and clean. Bellona is a major lobbyist towards major companies, using hard science and cutting edge ideas within a capitalist framework. Well then, as this project is heavily dependent upon implementing CO-handling, novel ways of extraction and advanced infrastructure building on an already vaste resource base - this might be a real x-mas present for future generations.

Will we become dormant yet again after a short burst of innovation? How can we find goals to invest in, outside the handling, processing and refinement of coal? I mean, which benefits can we reap from what we are now to begin? How far into the future must we now begin to plan for?

Just so that it is said: Norway already have a lot of money in the Petroleum Fund. About 200 billion USD net invested over the last 15 years. Thats... about 44.000 USD per head. No, as individuals we never see these money. Future commitments for social benefits amount to about four times the current value of this fund. Unless the fund keeps growing for a good while, those commitments cannot be reached with a standard of living equal to that of today. Actually it is a real challenge how to invest even the interests without causing inflation. A luxury problem, yes. It does not make Norway a more effective or ambitious country when it comes to social rights, even if these are preserved.

My hope is that our investments will mean real gains in the quality of life far outside Norway. In the long term this will benefit Norway enormously. In the short perspective this must mean a willingness to share more. Sacrifices... hah. There are no sacrifices if you already have what is necessary for a society where one have the opportunity to be free and happy.

Three times as much coal than oil. That is just absurd.

onsdag, desember 14, 2005


I have been thinking again. Had to spend intensive time thinking about something very different from what my day brings. Or rather brought. Today I am close to indifferent from what happened yesterday. Not indifferent, just knowing it can wait. There is no need to rush things.

Imagine a rubber band thrown at you with its hole facing you, coming through the air like a rollercoaster. Up close you see it as a tunnel down through time, an upstream river. Zoomed out it is a spot on a sinus curve.

Let that rubber band be for one moment frozen in mid air. What if that rubber band, at that moment in time, is the only thing in the world real to your eyes. It still moves. How can that be?

My thought for the day is that sometimes, maybe all the time, these surroundings build up a reality that seems elastic. It takes still a few nanoseconds for your eyes to grasp bundles of waves themselves having definition in time. Those fancy mechanisms making it possible to act. To react. When enough is enough, reality may conceivably be deconstructed. Thought seems to be moving back and forth through history, comparisons and truly novel sensory input. Just as elastic as that rubber band.

My sister. She wants to have hand-made earrings. Silver sphere on a simple hook. Asking one of my brothers, he said: How should I know? That you must be knowing much better than me.

So now it's xmas, real soon. Season to be folly, la la.

tirsdag, desember 13, 2005


An example is the B612 Foundation proposing to use a gravity pull to deflect a near Earth asteroid in a controlled manner. While they do not say anything much about the technological aspects of such a solution - the proposed solution is to place this machine at a constant alignment on either of the poles and attract the asteroid.

Gravity is an interesting thing and is not something I easily understand. Electromagnetic waves are a tad easier. Waves are nice. Me like water.

tirsdag, desember 06, 2005

Nuclear proliferation

Well well.

Hipocrazy disclosed. Again. Conspiracy nuts are probably not the craziest lot on this planet.

1959: Norway, having produced heavy water at Rjukan since WWII (oh, the Germans had their infamous factory there during the war as well. We just picked up the technology), sold 20 metric tons to Israel. In full knowledge of it being used at the Dimona nuclear plant. Norway also delivered technical equipment and expertise.

October 2005: IAEA and el Baradei (excellent man) gets the Nobel Peace Price for their work to control and hinder the proliferation of nuclear arms.

End of November 2005: Secret papers declassified. Arab League demands that Norway discloses their historic dealings with Israel.

Israel has never acknowledged having nuclear arms. Touchy subject. Everyone know they have them. They were disclosed as early as 1960. Vanunu got 18 years in jail for taking pictures of the reprocessing plant producing plutonium (from a uranium core emerged in Norwegian heavy water). Still they are excempt from all dealings concerning nuclear proliferation. Now they threaten to bomb nuclear factories in Iran to hinder the development nuclear arms in the Middle East region.

The Norwegian Foreign Ministry refuses to comment on the issue, as it is "a historic case and nothing more".

Fuck them all.

Did you know that Norway was the sixth country in the world getting a working nuclear plant? The Kjeller plant is still up and running as an experimental plant and we have very high expertise, even though we do not approve of nuclear plants as a source of electric power. It was also at Kjeller that SAM II, one of the first supercomputers was developed. CERN chose Norsk Data as developer for their project. Just mentioning it. Now they do really high science both on nuclear issues and nanoscale engineering and material sciences. I get more and more confused about how much Norway has had to say in world politics.

We are rich and resourceful. That is for sure. Sometimes we are bastards and hipocrites. Like most nations. What is above the surface is just part of the truth.

fredag, november 18, 2005

Update of revolution

At a certain point, the police informant tells the camera he swallowed the equivalent of 300 cups of coffee before meeting the doctor.

At Wikid Ped for caffeine a witness account is included, where a student took the equivalent of 250 and further that it led to a permanent withdrawal from life syndrome.

My thought was: It sows some doubt on the credibility of his story. But then again, he is a big man and his metabolism is probably handling coffeine as a breeze through grass. Besides, being given advice to take excessive amounts of caffeine by the police does them no credit.

A factoid: caffeine has adjuvant effects on the analgesic effects contributed to Paracet and Aspirin. In other words, a pain killer, besides being a nervous system drug. Not often a good combination. Caffeine and Aspirin has beneficial effects during migraines. However, caffeine and Aspirin can also lead to ergotism. So, while you may flash visions or not, dry gangrene may set in. The warning is thus:

o not take ergotamine and caffeine if you are taking antifungals such as itraconazole (Sporanox) and ketoconazole (Nizoral); clarithromycin (Biaxin); erythromycin (E.E.S., E-Mycin, Erythrocin); HIV protease inhibitors such as indinavir (Crixivan), nelfinavir (Viracept), and ritonavir (Norvir); or troleandomycin (TAO).

The silly language is caused by trying to be discreet and speculative. I want to put both parts in a bad light. The police for being manipulative bastards on this level. The police informant simply because he is greedy. In business he was a damned thief and quickly let himself run errands for whomever paid him in favours or money. While I at moments saw him wanting to confess his whole life as rotten fruit, all that became was charade. Those 15 minutes of fame scared the socks of a lot of people. But him, now under the protection of PST! - the Police Safety Services. Formerly known as POT. The old Crime Investigation Agency (KRIPOS) has become New Crime Investigation Agency.

I'm just asking: who takes the more acid? Pushing coffee and at blame for having their witness shot in the leg is way across the line.

This is revolution

Feil som fy

Alt tilgjengelig fjernsynsunderholdningsmateriale består av Beat for Beat og Film Star på TV2. Det er feil som fy. Det er ikke det at jeg bor i ei hytte i Lommedalen. Det gjør jeg ikke. Ikke ser jeg lysfontener heller.

Det er likevel feil som fy.

Dagen i dag har kanskje vært litt ut på viddene. Det startet med en dårlig samtale og fortsatte med å si fra meg vervet som tillitsvalgt. Hm. Slikt skjer. Tror neppe alt var så feil likevel. Små misgrep skjer her og da. Tålmodigheten renner av meg som vann på gås. Ikke den ytre tålmodigheten. Ikke noe bannskap, men derimot en rimelig dyp graving i hva tålmodigheten består i. Rimelig og rimelig. Det er ikke slik at mitt hele meg ble definert eller noe slikt.

Jeg bare kjente at jeg var ganske fornøyd og kanskje til og med litt lettet. Dagen var over, greit nok. Det fantes faktisk tvil hos meg i det klokken passerte fire. Skulle jeg gå eller skulle jeg jobbe litt mer mon tro? For å si det slik: tvilen måtte vike for fri luft og en lang gåtur. Selvsagt kan jeg si det på den måten. Det ville jo ikke vært å lyve. Kanskje ikke den mest nyttige beskrivelsen av ettermiddagen jeg kan komme på, men det ville vært så mye verre om virkeligheten var annerledes. I virkeligheten har jeg faktisk hatt en strålende ettermiddag. Men som sagt, uten å se lysfontener. Det er feil som fy.

Hvem var det som var overbegeistret av Beat for Beat? Jo jo, på onsdag, festen vi hadde sammen med våre kolleger: det var ei som var over seg av begeistring. Tro meg. - Det er det beste programmet NRK har laget, ever. Jeg må ha feilparafrest, mjau. Det skal ikke høres ut som NRK i utgangspunktet ikke kan stoles på. På ingen måte. Programmet var det beste på TV. Intet mindre. Og ja, jeg tror hun syntes TV var veldig bra, uten å tilbe noe husalter. Altså ingen fanatisk person. Noen jeg trolig ville stolt på i veldig mange sammenhenger. Jeg stolte egentlig på henne der og da også.

Det er ikke det at jeg ikke kan forstå og ha empati med Beat for Beat-tilhengere. Det er bare det at noen ting her i verden er for fjerne til å tale dem etter munnen. Hvem har Ivar Dyrhaug blitt til siden Halvsju? Jeg kjenner ham ikke igjen. Han er så rar. Hvor har jeg havnet? Som på onsdag, når jeg skippet sjefen til en kollega hjem i en drosje. Aktuelt å vente 20 minutter på riktig trikk for å bli kvitt noen som åpenbart ikke lenger er til å stole på? Hallo, det var vel ingen som i sin villeste fantasi kan tenke seg til at jeg dro med henne hjem for å lidenskapelig nyte hennes selskap? Hallo? Nei, det var det alstå ingen som trodde. Nei, jeg har mistet lommeboken min og alt jeg - uttrykte hun. Den er grei, trenger ikke snakke mer om det. Er du SIKKER på at det er her du bor? - Ja, jeg tror det.

Det er relativt trist syns jeg. Slik i ettertid, å tenke på denne damen som har så veldig lite å nyte. Derfor unngår jeg å tenke på det. Annet enn at det der og da var det eneste valget jeg hadde. Derfor lukker jeg døren og ber sjåføren kjøre meg bort fra dette triste stedet med den triste damen.

Litt slik har jeg det med Beat for Beat. Det rører ved roten til alt ondt. Det handler om ensomhet og død. Trenger verden virkelig karaoke? Det er ikke ofte jeg spør meg om det, men det hender. Svaret er alltid aaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Klart man skal la musikk styre. Det er ikke nødvendig slik at Beat for Beat skal styre. Det er bare ikke min greie.

Jeg er heller ikke særlig overbegeistret for Film Star. Enden på visa blir at jeg setter meg og leser science fiction og hører på breaks fra 80-tallet. Og en trenger ikke å være utøvende kunstner for å få til det.

tirsdag, november 01, 2005

Comission for abandonment

Sweden has done it. They have had the brave vision long due to materialise. They have, by their Prime Minister, created the comission for the abandonment of oil. It has been set down with the mandate to find methods and ways to deploy these that mitigates and in the final run makes it possible for Sweden to be independent of oil.

One of his arguments was among the lines of:
If we look fifteen years into the future, we will have difficulties with our predictions. If we look at the oil prices 15 years ago and now and then fifteen years into the future we can have an idea. It is obvious that something is taking place, and we must be ready for this big change.

Four ministers will be members of this comission, led by Göran Persson himself. Because we, and I have an intense belief in the environmental issues - as he said.

Björn Carlson, a eh... quite a rich Swede, has donated 500 million SEK to rehabilitate the Baltic Sea and Botniska Viken which has suffered tremendously from pollution and runoff nitrogen, killing most life and making it inaccessible to swimmers due to cyanide algies.

Now, comparing the placing in space and time of these two news is interesting indeed. Six o'clock news on the biggest and most trusted television channel. Mature men the both of them. Göran Persson just selected for his fourth term as head of the social party. It was during a press conference there that he announced these news. Stefan Edman, an environmentalist, will be the General Director of the comission.

Björn Carlsson, well, he has had a stroke recently, but obviously lucent and cooly inspired. When asked he denies the thought of this being an idea that was made by him suddenly, but has been building for five years. He has been giving it a lot of thought and found that this was probably the best he could do to serve society. A fairly anonymous business man with a background in academics.

No matter. They might now each other or not. They may both be avid fishermen for all I know. It is what they have initiated that is just mindboggling. It remains to see if there is energy to fulfill those goal, but of course it is. In the immediate future, Botniska Viken will have the biggest benefits. Making it public and in conjunction with the new comission will hopefully better the chances of meeting success.

Bravo. A monsterwave of Schröedinger proportions might arise.

Now, living next door, where we have just billions of barrels under the sea, what have we done? As far as I know, we rely on the day to day progress and maturity of the future. Sometimes, we are so boringly grounded it is defensible to rip a head or two off our shoulders. There hasn't been a political vision here since post war and to a slighter extent the seventies. No, not that oil is all we have, but it has given us a lot of economic leverage and made possible a slightly benign nature. I must not remember that the last three years has brought horrible twists and an horrifying economic logic behind every official move. Economic motives based on symbolic values, such as moola, will always bring with it a polarization. There are those that see money itself as valuable. There are some that does not realize that the dollar you have today will be a cent on the roof tomorrow if you don't invest it in renewable commodities. Ideas is such a commodity. A tree is also a commodity. Some trees are better worth on the walls of your house than alive. What is sustainable?

It is time that everyone pulls this one off the drawing boards and stop competing on economic terms solely. Nature is all we have as real resource, in the now and in every valid future. I for one, would like to look at nature as so much more that a tree in a park and to a lesser extent disturbed by short-term gains. Short term today might be like a second tomorrow. There is no squirrel in the woods when a tree falls and no-one hears it.

torsdag, oktober 27, 2005


Det er ikke bare olje som gjør Norge rikt. Takket være petroleumfondets investeringsportefølje, tjener vi nok av penger på salget og markedsføringen av Tamiflu. Kanskje det også er derfor Norge var tidlig ute med å sikre seg et lager av disse vaksinene. Sosial- og helsedirektoratet ga våren 2004 Nasjonalt Kunnskapssenter i oppgave å "gjøre en metodevurdering på effekt av" Tamiflu.

Nasjonalt Kunnskapssenter er som det står:
Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter for helsetjenesten fremskaffer og formidler kunnskap om effekt, nytte og kvalitet av metoder, virkemidler og tiltak innen alle deler av helsetjenesten.

Kunnskapssenteret er formelt et forvaltningsorgan under Sosial- og helsedirektoratet. Det har ingen myndighetsfunksjoner og kan ikke instrueres i faglige spørsmål.

Kommiteen består av blant annet to rådgivere fra SHDir. Det er rapport nr 1 for året, offentliggjort i slutten av januar/begynnelsen av februar. De reagerer i det minste på presseoppslag om offentliggjøringen, 010205. Det rapporten mer eller mindre sier er at det å bruke tabletter fra kun en kommersiell kilde er teit. Det poenget blir spilt noe ned. 1,9 milliarder vil det koste å gi hele befolkningen en seks ukers forebyggende kur med Tamiflu. "180 millioner kroner vil det koste å tilby fem dages behandling til dem som trenger det dersom 40 % av befolkningen er rammet."

Interessant, men ikke nok. En seks ukers kur er tydeligvis utelukket, siden ingen vaksinasjonsprogramm for hele befolkningen er i gang. Jeg skulle tro det. Seks uker for å forebygge noe som kanskje bruker en uke på å spre seg til nærmest hele verden. Mot et virus vi ikke vet hvordan kommer til å oppstå. Det kan være et fuglevirus som muterer i fuglene til å bli smittebærende mellom mennesker. Ei høne som er smittet av en gutt som er smittet av en due som er smittet av ei and som er smittet av en and som nå er død i Sverige et sted. Det kan være at det muterer i et menneske som har en annen type influensa. Det er ikke så nøye hvordan det skjer. Det skjer før eller siden av verden forandrer seg. Det skjer hele tiden. Det er voldsomheten som fryktes.

Roche lever på en slik frykt. Hvorfor er det en tilfeldighet at SHDir ga et slikt oppdrag til Kunnskapssenteret? Ordene som brukes er at Tamiflu er det eneste som er tilgjengelig på markedet og at det vil ta måneder å bygge opp en produksjon av tilstrekkelige behandlingsdoser. At det finnes alternative behandlingsmetoder enn Tamiflu som kan produseres på like kort tid og at man kan bli avhengig av et slikt alternativt preparat dersom viruset blir resistent mot Tamiflu, nevnes neppe.

Side 12:
Enkelte begrensninger i befolkningens reisemønster, stengning av for eksempel forsamlingslokaler og skoler, kan i beste fall spredningen av pandemisk influensa.

Godt, da er det ingen grunn til å tro at skoler og forsamlingslokaler vil holdes stengt før en uke eller to etter influensaet har slått til. Eller kommer beskjeden så tidlig i forveien at alt blir stengt en måned når man vet helt sikkert at den er ved dørene? Vil vi kunne vite slikt og kunne produsere antivirale behandlingsdoser? Ingen slike spørsmål blir i det hele tatt reist. Takk for det. Ingen vits i å spekulere i hva man ikke kan vite fordi det kan like godt skje i dag. Sannsynligheten for at noe aldri vil skje er forsvinnende liten.

Uansett. Roche tjener nå sine penger og statens andel sikrer et større og større utbytte dag for dag. Hva skal man si. Roche er firmaet som har gitt oss en slik schläger som LSD. LSD og CIA er en HELT annen historie, om ikke mindre langt der ute.

...Roche has worked closely with a number of countries whose governments have agreed to stockpile Tamiflu...

Godt å vite, slik utpå året. Netto inntekt til aksjeeierne per 3000605 var 2798 millioner sveisterfranc. Noe annet de skryter av er ellers

US marketing clearance of first DNA chip-based test opens the way to
more personalised treatment.

Det er det jeg sier. Legemiddelindustrien er langt mer interessant enn eventuelle smringsrunder mot uskyldige politikere.

mandag, oktober 24, 2005

Ikke akkurat de syv segl

En kollega av meg sa det veldig bra i dag:
- Det er ikke hver dag vi hører om en and som dør i Sverige.

Vi er godt vant med agurknyheter. Når alle journalistene tar med seg en blyant på hytta for å løse kryssord. Det forutsettes at det er ikke all verden alvorlig som skjer der ute. Ta det med ro, dere vet vi nyter sommeren og vi vet at dere vet det. Agurker når ganske forutsigbare modenhetsperioder, hvor det bugner. Det synes likevel som agurker kan dyrkes hele året, kanskje grunnet knappe bemanningsløsninger og organisert avvikling av lovfestet fritid.

Nyheten om en and som dør i Sverige. Hva med den? Den har så visst likheter med en feit ikke EU-kontrollert slangeagurk. Anden er liten, rund og anslås å ha en svak stemme i politiske kretser. Normalt sett bekymrer vi oss lite for anden. Vi har til og med beskjedne mengder sympati å gi den. I valget mellom en lastebil i frontruta eller en and? En and.

Anden var helt sikkert like forvirret. I valget mellom et skudd i mørket og et illsint virus? Ai ai. Hva skal jeg velge.

lørdag, oktober 22, 2005


Et norsk ord, om ikke noe typisk norsk ord. Spiller ingen rolle. Ordet ble brukt i referanse til Vidkun Quisling, en skikkelig manipulerende og ond mann. At det ble nettopp hans etternavn som ble sittende, kan ha flere grunner, men altoverveiende historiske.

Psykiateren som var med på å produsere et skuespill om Quisling uttrykker at hans største bedrag og svik var nettopp det at han valgte å stå alene, der han lyttet kun til stemmen som var i ham og ikke tok hensyn til andre menneskers tanker.

I så måte er mange av oss Quislinger. Er det kun deri sviket består? Jeg tror at vi alle har et behov for å hevde oss. Det ligger et ønske å innføre en verdensorden vi mener er rettferdig. Kanskje var hans største bedrag hans historiske idioti. Det er ingen tvil om han var en smart mann etter de solemerker vi setter i vår utdanning og deduksjonslogikk. Det han ikke fattet, eller om en så vil mene at hans ondskap bestod i nettopp det, var hans tro på at man må knuse noen egg for å komme nærmere utopien.

Nei, om en så skulle være i god tro om seg selv, må en ikke falle i fellen både Quisling og Hamsun falt i. Den beste måten å fremme menneskets lykke i det lange løp er å fremme den her og nå.

Hvis du var en reisende i tid og rom, ville du kunne tenke: Revolusjonen må finne sted nå. Når jeg kommer tilbake etter 200 år vil dette samfunnet være sterkere og stabilt. Dersom revolusjonen ikke finner sted nå, er det usikkert om dette samfunnet vil kunne ha noe å tilby meg. Det er bedre å ta kampen nå enn siden. Den er uunngåelig.

Denne logikken finnes i mange store spørsmål. Irak er et åpenbart og kjedsomt eksempel. Den blir uttrykt i formen: For at fremtidens irakere skal få et demokratisk og rettferdig levesett og ikke kunne være en trussel til vår eksistens, må vi styrte dets regime NÅ. Dets åpenbare innhold har mer om vennligstilte og sikre handelspartnere overfor en handlende part. Og det er deri sviket består, i det å påtvinge sine behov i fremtiden på en underlegen part. Ikke irakernes behov, men sitt eget, eller verden som de kaller det.

En hver røst som hevder et behov springer ikke ut av de mange, men av de få, selv om behovet vitterlig er festet hos de mange, alle. Alle må leve konsekvensene av de få mennenes handlinger og spekulasjoner. De som vinner og de som taper. Om så revolusjonen finner sted, hvilken form vil den ha? Min beskjedne mening er at den må være en revolusjon som evner å se de store visjoner, men som makter å ta vare på de manges behov. Et absolutt krav for fremgang må være at den verst stilte bedrer sine livsomstendigheter.

fredag, oktober 21, 2005

Norge Rundt

Magnar, på 81, samler på ukeblader. Gamle ukeblader. Allers. På 1920-tallet fulgte det med tidsriktige pappbygninger. Ja, ikke bare tidsriktige på 20-tallet, men også dramatiske gjenskapelser av mektige byggverk fra det gamle Egypt og Danmark. Magnar har haugevis med gamle Allers. Poser på poser, bunker på bunker. Han skaper en eventyrby av uante dimensjoner. "Her er et hus som står oppå et tre" - sier Magnar og peker ut de viktige dimensjonene og linjene i det hele.

Man må ha noe å bedrive tiden med.

tirsdag, oktober 18, 2005

Order dispute with Russia

It is very interesting times we are living in.

The news that finds itself in fairly anonymous places can be fairly hairy. Now, north of Norway, in the disputed Grey Area, the Norwegian Coast Guard is hunting a Russian trawler towards Russian Territory. The trawler Elektron has been banned du to illegal fishing methods on previous occations and was this time disclosed by two on-board fishing inspectors. The Norwegian ship Coast Guard Tromsø is was on their way to esscort this vessel to a Norwegian port. There seems to be many discrepancies and explanations as to what, how and why happened next. The information is very scant in official press releases from different high ranking sources.

What everyone agrees on, is that the Norwegian Royal Navy is now in pursuit. Elektron changed its course rapidly and thereafter refused to comply with any orders issued. The captain has threatened to set his ship on collision course through RNA Novosti. Now it is followed by four navy ships from Norway. While the Coast Guard want to keep their inspectors on deck, the Foreign Ministry insists on having them brought off the ship. The Russian Navy say they have no intention of intervening, while rumours fly and politicians mouth off.

Check out Dagladet



Yes, it is no dispute. While mil.no calls it grave environmental criminality and that the pundits must comply, the Foreign Ministry smoothens everything up on their pages. Whoopti do it is nothing serious:

The Foreign Ministry is kept informed on a running basis. This is not a conflict between Norwegian and Russian authorities. There is however intimate contact between Norway and Russia on a diplomatic level. There is nothing to suggest that this case will have negative repercussions on the good relationships with Russia.

- or something like that.

The bottom line seems to be what it has been for the last 30 years. A territorial dispute and a setting of rules to fishing in that Gray Area. The deputy minister for fishing at Murmansk, Vadim Sokolov, expresses outrage and calls the attempted impounding an act of war. He might not be high enough up on the rank of power in Russia, but he holds some local power. As is his tone, the history of Elektron and the disputes in official rhetoric, I would suspect him to have very deep pockets. Such people are dangerous in one of the most isotope doped places on earth.

So, even if the newly ordained Minister of Foreign Affairs expresses indignation, the diplomats are drinking vodka together. As we speak so to say. And, even if the Norwegian Armed Forces is notorious for not doing anything the Department of Defence tells them to, they really are just fighting environmental crime.

lørdag, oktober 15, 2005


Down that lane lies your destiny, boy.

Well, humpty ho. What a great word to ponder for five minutes. Destination, those construed letters on a board hinting at future advendture. The force that some people thinks rules what will happen in the future.

As cosmology in its most convincing form can thoughtfully relay is that time can fly both ways. There is a sort of symmetry in all relations bringing out constants or dimensions playing in quantum flux to form something which is unerringly surprising.

What if your destination is pre-determined in your destiny? The very notion of the question is somewhat doubtful, but recognisable. One can possibly argue that due to an action or choice one made at an undisclosed place in time and space, the probable outcome of the next action or choice is to some extent known a priori. If one should choose an irrational action, it is only irrational in the extent that one believes the outcome to be negative.

Every event is a satisfactory event. God does not play dice, or nature holds no grudge, or there is not any scale to weigh dark matter. What goes around comes around so to speak. There is always however a chance, no matter how low the odds, a chance that the outcome will be entirely beneficial for the subject. Postmodernistic games theory or even Stephen Hawking has bluntly put forth that there is a bigger chance that something CAN happen than that it will never happen. I know I am Norwegian, even though there are more Chinese. Any actions of my ancestry might have made it so, conscious or not. Can they be blamed? Of course not. They had no way of knowing. I'm just saying that life inevitably became for me what it is.

If you in your lifetime have had the vague noting that you perhaps might have done something dumb, well be happy with it. The question is moot. Eaten is eaten. Reality might have become sidestepped or difficult to handle, but as you are a part of reality it cannot be ignored, though subtly manipulated. It takes no offence, people do.

Then, turning the circle around, what you do next might even change the reality of that earlier point in time and space. It is the whole point but nothing but the point. Time is not something hanging around out there with a conscious determination. We each live time. That is entirely different.

fredag, oktober 14, 2005

Litt konspirasjonsteori sånn på tampen

Det er i Norge i dag, eller i går, eller i morgen avhengig av hvem du spør - en nasjonal plan for å gjøre statsforvaltningen elektronisk. Dette innebærer blant annet at dersom du kommuniserer med det offentlige, kan og skal alt kommunikasjonsinnhold kunne knyttes til deg som individ. Altså ikke bare som i begrepet e-borger, men et juridisk pustende vesen, skulle det være behov for fysisk kontakt.

Selvsagt må man da stille spørsmål ved sikkerheten i denne kommunikasjonen. Eller, det er nettopp det man gjør. Det å basere all kommunikasjon på ikke-fysisk kontakt er en årsak-handling-hendelse basert i et postpositivistisk univers. Det jeg nettopp skrev var bare svada. Ved å utelukke fysisk, konfrontativ kontakt, er din private sfære respektert. En slik holding blir også kalt xenofobi.

Se videre på NOU

fredag, oktober 07, 2005

Tor Erling Straff

Han er en tankefull og åpen mann som peker på noe åpenbart:
Det er nettopp de holdninger du fremviser som gjør at det ikke er mulig å snakke om alt i dagens samfunn.

Selv om noe er ondt eller av hvilken verdi som helst, betyr ikke at vi kan benekte hva som skjer oss i denne verden, hva vi føler der og da og tar videre med oss.

onsdag, oktober 05, 2005

This is revolution

It seems our ever present national television channel has decided to neglect the order by a court not to show a documentary. It is also the first time a court has ruled a film unlawful, in a withdrawed-from-public sentence. The police has not been very happy or willing in this particular investigation.

This is revolution.
And it will be televised.

Where to start?
A documentary made with methods amazingly cheaper and less advanced than those employed by the police. Convincingly so. The police hiring a shady businessmann as their agent, having torpedo contact. Selling himself as a money launderer to the NOKAS robbers. A case in which a dozen or so real wild fuck-ups robbed a money central, killed a policeman with a hail of machine-gun fire and got away with roughly 60 million NOK. That's close to 8 million €. Sociopaths with as diversed a crew as there ever was.

And then, then a police informant and coerced into this clumsy police operation - made a deal with NRK. He made ONE interview. NRK shadowed him and filmed the bugged being bugged meeting torpedos and straw men. What I would think of as the place crawling with undercover police agents.

One of my favourite lines:
He [ref. his police contact] told me to take a sick leave.
I wondered how to do that.
Then I ate some coffeine tablets. Then I bought ten of those, you know, small bottles. Ten cups of coffee in a bottle. That's 300 cups.
So, I met at the stairs of the Grenland Police Station seeing the Grim Reaper.
The doctor must have thought of me to look very bad indeed. When i got out I kneeled by a corner and threw up.
Didn't sleep for two days.

When I think back, I can remember episodes in the printed media directly referring to some activities of these policemen. In the apartment a money teller, bugged as hell and given through the informer to the torpedo to make a trial run of money to the National Bank. These undercover, warped and quite as unsympathetic as their counterparts, these boys arrested two people on the charges of posession, while being utterly drunk.

What can I say? I jumble over and about to get all those threads together. Simply because the unofficial, the sub-layer of our society, emerges on a sudden hyperbolic path. Oh, we all know that every institution, though only a cell, makes a powerful creature of comfort. Do not connect. Why talk about what does not make a visible impact on our life? Take e.g the news item in Dagens Næringsliv 7th December 2004(that's the Daily Business Life) about the informer having been shot in his Jaguar outside Frogner Church. About the richest neighbourhood in Oslo. Loads of tradition. It was hinted at a torpedo contact.

The news in Dagens Næringsliv is just full of disclosers and empathic articles on the shady sides of the oligarchy. One normally doesn't pay them enough attention.

The informer and double-crosser even seemed to be nearly reborn, though with a slight tick.

This I perhaps will explore.

See update as of 171105.

torsdag, september 29, 2005


There is a discontent in the populace. There may seem to be divergent views.

Nei, ikke vet jeg om det er verdt å skrive mine tanker på engelsk. Det som sies høres likevel klingende hovent. En bekjennelse som skjuler seg i semantikk eller bak bortforklaringer av annen art.

Når jeg kommer i tanker faller jeg i staver. Jeg sklir i snøen og ser stjerner. Kanskje er det derfor det er litt vanskelig å snakke om det. Det er så forbannet innviklet og tyllet inn i tåkeheimer av samtidige hendelser, handlinger, forbrytelser og straff. Så mange mennesker som har festet sitt ansikt til en stor eller liten arkivboks. Noen i røde og friske farger, andre med litt støv og perfekt kamuflert i sin anonymitet.

Nettopp. Blandede metaforer. Tåke. Pels. Nå, nå kan jeg kalle meg byråkrat med rette. I en offentlig sfære bruker jeg akkurat så mye av meg selv at jeg slipper unna med det. Noen ganger blir den private biten ganske så liten. Ganske så tyngende. Men, jeg vil ikke at den skal forsvinne helt. Jeg vil ikke at alle mine tanker skal og må springe frem til uttrykk. Mine tanker er det eneste jeg har som er umiddelbart tilgjengelig.

Så, jeg får heller fortsette å være glad i noen drømmer her og der, et bilde som henger der, en lyd, en lukt, en forvirrende knute. Tid. Tid er en forvirrende og magisk ting. Det er først når den står bom stille jeg klarer å se den. Når alle sanser banker seg med hammere gjennom pannebrasken, røsker tak i medulla og sier bø. Tenk at livet faktisk er så intenst. Liv er alt som akkurat på alle øyeblikk eksisterer. Det er i hvert fall det jeg mener i kveld.

Hvis alt kan uttrykkes som en matematisk ligning om energi, vil et hvert menneskes hjerne kunne propellere en rimelig diger rakett. Enklere enn å forsøke og flytte virkeligheten. Ingen referanseverdi. Med mindre, med mindre andre former for virkelighet kan eksistere i et relativt utviklet demokrati. Det må være mulig og en menneskerett slett og rett.

Jeg vil uansett være med på å gjøre en pitte liten forskjell. Det er ikke sannsynlig å snakke om et univers der man kan unngå å omdanne energi. Til hva? Til noe annet som dette universet ikke kan nyttiggjøre seg og derfor er å betegne som avfall. Avfall? Avfall kan nyttiggjøres. Ikke alt avfall. Ikke i et lukket system med begrensede ressurser. Hva om ressursene ikke er begrenset? Kjør på. Tvilen på uendelig livsløp er ubegrunnet. Entropi finnes kun i et lukket system. Hva et lukket system er? Noe som er koblet til noe annet slik at man kan definere hva det lukker inne.

Kvatemekanisk bingo: Fem gravitasjonsfeil på rad.

tirsdag, september 20, 2005

Rest in peace sounds better than rest in tar

My grandmother became old. Very old as I reckon. 89 and a half. She died a peaceful death as they say, but surely everybody must have that last flicker of . Your life reduced to a star in a galaxy itself a dot in infinite universes. Can you really think that big? Probably not. Unfinished sentence. What comes after is altogether different. Or is it? Life is a mystery someone surely have said, so it must be. Otherwise it is just logic and mathematics.

However, concerning my grandmother.

She smoked sixty cigarettes a day, on an average, if not more (just leave it as a qualified guess, unless you want me babbling on) her entire life. Very much I reckon. Very very many unfiltered Pall Mall and tobacco roll ups. My father said she started when she was a teen. Let's assume she just smoked 40 a day on flat average. 365 days a year, for... let's be very modest and say 60 years. It is still a lot of smoke. 876 000 packaged doses actually. The force is strong in this one.

She started smoking when the tar was really laid on heavily. Let's be fair and call it 10 mg. Hm, guess you had to have a really big bottle, fitting nearly nine litres of first class wall treatment. Would be enough for a cottage in the forest, lasting decades against tough weather. There you could take up work as P@1S0N, the nicotin killer. Nikita Nicotia. Nurse Nick. Nico Tambaquillère.

In one of our developing stories this night, Nurse Nick is known to have left his signature beside the bodies of twelve cabinet members assasinated in the bushes at President Bush' farm in Texas. The cabinet members, know as the Bushwackers by Washington lobbyists, was found face down, trousers too. Thanks to diligent work by the county morgue, earlier suspicions of foul play amongst Bush' own security force was led to rest. Starved of emotions as they might be, beating about the bushes was NOT what they were doing the night in question, as an anonomous source close to the family told the Washington Post. State coroner in Texas, doctor Bumble Bumble at the Tarrant Forensic Toxicology Laboratories, states in the official press release, that, and I quote: "...Suspicions of large objects causing the carnage have been irrefutably revoked, as a refinement on the teqniques used, showed death to be accomplished by just a small prick."

If you think injecting nicotine is a good idea, start by reading this rant, which I kind of like and kind of scoff at. It makes some sense, but I still think cigarettes is a bad idea for your health. Of course, suffering from withdrawal is not a fake thing. A friend of mine, oh does she take it face on. Weakness is nowhere so visibible than in a quitting smoker. My grandmother, she did not risk that. Myself, I like weaknesses and collect them aplenty. Rabidly interesting details and descriptions of every property known to folk medicine aside, I think I need some food.

Nurse Nick could have killed more than those people living in the tarred cottage. About 7.800 people in fact. It took him years of course and a hell of a lot of syringes. The last 100 he just gathered in a basement and put on the CO gas bottles he had collected and dutifully filled through the years. His life fulfilled, only ashes remained. Which reminds me of my grandmothers second man, much younger than her. He was also a staunt man, but drawed too heavily. He actually sat and rolled his cigarettes while he was hooked to the breathing helper (what you call those thing, you sit and get help venting for a while, putting in a bit of extra oxygen perhaps). When he didn't breathe the fresh breath of a machine, he smoked.

Thinking of it in this way make it seem a bit excessive, but it surely helped my grandmother keep the alzheimer at bay. Sort of. Surely, se weered all over the universe of time and space, but coherently. What does it mean when you are having sort of an developed discussion in such circumstances? Yes, repeats here, a bit of static now and then, changing the playing field alltogether - but still, recognizable in a comforting manner.

Not all memories need to be good memories to be good.

mandag, september 19, 2005

Like it's 1999

Please make feedback if you think this is nice enough to be given as mini-wedding present.

søndag, september 18, 2005


It's close to eight in the evening and the three landbased stations are showing... football. Not proper even - more like those SMS chat shows. Blow me.

torsdag, september 15, 2005

Etiske retningslinjer

Staten, ved Moderniseringsdepartementet, har nettopp utformet og offentliggjort dokumentet Etiske retningslinjer for statstjenesten som har gyldighet fra 6. september 2005.

Punkt 2.2 Rapporteringsplikt:

Statsansatte plikter å melde fra til arbeidsgiver om forhold hun eller han blir kjent med og som kan påføre arbeidsgiver, ansatte eller omgivelsene tap eller skade, slik at det kan iverksettes tiltak med sikte på å unngå eller begrense tapet eller skaden.

Dokumentet bærer i det store og hele preg av å omhandle fysisk interaksjon med omgielsene som via psykologiske og sosiale prosesser skaper et bilde av forvaltningen. Noen steder kan en likevel finne direkte omtale av brutalisering i arbeidslivet.

På side syv kommenteres det, omkring kravene om effektivitet og god utnyttelse av statens midler:

Effektivitetsplikten må også ses i sammenheng med intensjonene om et inkluderende arbeidsliv. Ansatte, og særlig ledere, har ansvar for å motvirke utstøtning fra arbeidslivet, fremme helsefremmende arbeidsplasser og forebygge stress og utbrenthet.

Det sås her selvsagt tvil om de etiske retningslinjenes selvstendighet, i det man refererer til et dokument som er kjent for å være kontroversielt og med en del åpenbaringer av negative virkninger. For eksempel i logikken at dersom man er forpliktet til å få ned sykefraværet er det enkleste å kun ha arbeidsgivere som oppfyller bedriftens krav om funksjonsdyktighet slik de er i dag. Det motsatte, å sette et menneskelig nivå på kravene ved for eksempel økt bemanning eller en kvalitetsøkning i dataredskaper, er ressurskrevende og vil i ordinære tilfeller føre til et mindre overskudd - det være seg økonomisk eller produktivitetsmessig som antall enheter produsert per ansatt. Dersom en positiv trend ikke vil kunne vises før din stilling vil måtte forsvares, det være seg ved neste valg eller årsmøte hvor årets avkastning fordeles, vil jeg like å se den leder som får gjennomslag for et krav om å senke den enkelte ansattes arbeidspress.

Ja, jeg vil virkelig like å se den lederen. Noen med litt mer mot enn ståpels, noen fler visjoner enn prestisje i sine øyne.

Som ansatt er man forpliktet til å si fra om forhold en er gjort kjent med som kan påføre skade. Vel, det er vel ikke akkurat slik at det ligger grønne steiner og gløder i lobbyen en dag. Stress ut fra manglende ressurser og mer og mer komplekse krav i både allsidighet, spesialitet, samtidighet - dette er noe en kan se kun som trend. Det er vanskelig å påvise eller argumentere for sannsynligheten i skade på forhånd, med mindre det dreier seg om fysiske størrelser som står i direkte fare. Sykefravær er normalt og sykdom oppstår sjelden ut fra en faktor alene. Stress kan være noe som gjør vondt værre og bringer en over terskelen.

I hvilken grad skal en arbeidsplass ta hensyn til den enkeltes livssituasjon? Vel, kanskje ved å lytte til både den enkelte og forsøke å skape seg et bilde av seg selv som organisme i en virkelig verden, og deretter agere, være villig til å endre verden.

Hva så når det er sagt fra og intet skjer? Ikke i går, ikke i dag, trolig ikke i morgen. Når en ikke engang får tilsvar på de bekymringer som uttrykkes? En kan jo slutte, finne seg et annet arbeidssted. Selv om det skulle være bare fordi det er et nytt arbeidssted. For det er liten tvil om at krav om effektivitet og kortsiktig utnyttelse av ressurser har vært normen hittil.

Når naturressursene dvindler hen, sloss en frenetisk for at gevinst per hode forblir like høyt det har vært. Selv om det skulle bli færre hoder. Når så menneskelige ressurser dvindler hen, hvem vil se det annet enn nettopp i de målbare tallene? Når dette lar seg måle, ved for eksempel økt antall uførepensjonister, vil det enkleste være å redusere antall uførepensjonister. Selvsagt, men det kunne jo vært en løsning å gjøre noe med de store visjoner, slik at det faktisk finnes plass til alle å yte etter evne, motta etter behov. Det er grunnleggende feil, etter min mening, å overlate alt ansvar for å hevde sin plass til den enkelte. Har vi blitt et så kaldt samfunn at vi ikke evner å se vår neste?

onsdag, september 14, 2005

On this day

Today has been a bit of this and that. Didn't feel very high up on the food chain today. Chewing curd. Get on the truck, you're a baseball glove.

At the same time, a couple of bright spots. Talking to someone I haven't talked to in a great while. Bringing back good memories, as well as a smile.

No trip in the forest today, but I did manage do buy a present long overdue. Even got me a film, again memories long gone by, namely Midnight Run. Fun. Films from the 80's have their charm and of course still is recognisable as modern society. With some noteable exceptions. I guess it was politically uncorrect even then, but boy do they smoke a lot of cigarettes, and everywhere. The thing is, they make it an issue. From this side of history it looks like a constructed time capsule. "I could make you a completely balanced diet." Somehow, Brodin saying that did not enlighten me on the subject of leopard leotards and flammable hair. But then, it did tell me something about the xenophobia certain states exhibit these days. Keeping other views out, sifting them out of the scheme, make your knife a very very very blunt weapon.

In its innocence and belief Midnight Run is a warm movie. Every character has its soul brother, opposite in all but one core quality. Corruption vs clean sheets, going by the book vs winging it and adapting, motivation being all and everything. Saw Confidence yesterday as well, might have been a flutter in the waves. Midnight Express wins hands down though.

By telling lies you postpone and maximize all pain.
It is just if you get lucky you are cleansed, put through catharsis.


mandag, september 12, 2005

Election day!


Finally the show is on. No, not that I particularly think it is very exciting watching graphs in different, thrilling colours non the less - election special on state television. Hah. Yes, we have NRK - Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation as it is called in English. I like we having it, even if everyone owning a TV must pay an annual subscription fee to this governmentally mandated corporation. At least it has secured a multitude of productions no commercially motivated station would touch with a ten foot pole. Some years ago, september 5. 1992, the first nation wide private station started their transmission. Since then, both state controlled television and private TV2 has had their definite ups and downs.

Election time is also a question of which station that normally turn you on, or the opposite. For me, TV2 is politically extremely dubious. You know, like Fox News compared to CNN. Yes, because news on NRK is no longer like BBC World in its weight. TV2 has these ultra-annoying, brawling extremists - asking rhethorical questions like "Can it be right that immigrants, while being such and such small percentage of the population, is accounting for such and such a high percentage of convicted felons?" F no, but what are you implying you prick? Is that the only representation you can make of other cultures standing on your manicured lawn?

Of course, no such controversial themes ever came up with more than a nose during the election campaign. On the contrary, when not having any good questions, make snide comments or simply yell at the politicians, mics turned outwards on the audience booing and shouting. Preferrential treatment of the right. What is this, Parliament?

Well, that is a common trend these last years anyways. As you can guess, my impression also leaks onto politicians on the conservative side of the spectrum. Oh, both, all camps in fact have their poison ivy. Don't just put all the dunces you can possibly find in the same room at the same time. At times this sitting cabinet has been like Le Dîner de cons at times. Oh, lookie, isn't he cute - we can use him as secretary of state! (Using the title minister for foreign affairs would be entirely wrong). So, secretary of state, your big idol is Donald Rumsfeld? I see. Sidetracked - what I was going to say was that he becomes a gibbering fool when confronted. You should have met our Minister of Defense. Oh, I'm sorry, those cluster bombs were not supposed to have been dropped on anexercisee. Oh, I don't have any control with the military, that much I can say. Did they not follow state directives you say? Ah, but at least they told us afterwards. Yes, let's sell all military bases for recreational use to those who can afford. Will bring much cash. Here you are, here's 15 million kroner so that you buy this coastal fort from us.

My nerves are frayed by people like that. No matter how you portray some people, they stay crooked. Yes, I might not have helped building a positive image from what I just said. And it has implications on my view upon commercial interests and religious networks. Oh yes, our prime minister, Ambassador to the US, social & health minister, cultural minister - they are all like really devoted people. Our prime minister is an ordained minister in many ways. They are official people, so I slander them this once. It is election day you know. It is not I who has put my religion to use as a political tool. Hypocrites.

It is the hollow, superficial, functionalistic and nepotistic way of ruling they have represented I abhorr. They have contributed to a britteling of the whole structure of our society. They have made human worth equal monetary investment. The less you cost, the more you are worth. Easy and basic arguments.

AND now the right wing parliamentary leader goes on stage saying: "I had a a dream. I had a dream when we started this...". DEFILER! And of course, this populistic, right-wing, reactionary party is the winner of this election. It seem like one out of five Norwegian has taken the bait.
Oh, the humanity.

No matter talking about NRK. They have their golden moments, but they too go to the dogs. Their second channel is just SMS chat. It started out as a dynamic, alternative and outspoken channel with a clear focus on culture, of all kinds. Opera to Pulp. All the classic French movies. Genre series, themes. Ah... A golden era lasting less than 18 months. Cowards. Now they rent out airtime to... you guessed it: religious sects. With our minister of health making occasional appearances.

Hmmm.... looking at this through attempted English make Norway more or less sound like a banana republic, doesn't it? Well, the reason I am upset is that it has some amazing qualities. I'll tell you about wild strawberries later.

Working life

If it means, as now, getting up at five in the morning - I want nothing of it. Too early. Please shoot me.

søndag, september 11, 2005

What I want

I am in the process of fitting that package - tracing out how I want to live my life. I am frightenly and increasingly drawn towards a small red cabin in the woods, filled with books, pencils, crayons, brushes. Living off what nature can yield on a sustainable level.
OK OK. Yes, some days I sound like a tree hugging hippie. I wish.

Then there is the question of that high speed internet connection.

A bit lost these days, perhaps. Not entirely aware or brave enough to face the big choices. I certainly cannot stay in the work I have now specifically. It is taxing to try to help others make important choices, or helping them find solutions when well - here I am.

Is it possible to make a living, I mean - being able to pay off that studyloan and have enough for the safety society deems it necessary to have? All I need for my body is food and clothes. The rest depends on location and social structures.

Everything is a potential sacrifice. The point is, it is nothing to own, only to live.

Female naturebuff/constructive soul wanted. Secure job, own home, car, yes. I need someone to take what is there and help realise that dream of living far from heavy traffic, securing our social abilities in lush greenery. Do I suffer from antropophobia? No, but I do get fed up with people occasionaly.

Someone said

Someone said this surely to be a self portrait.
Don't come blaming me if I turn out not to look as hunky.

Philosophy of this and that

A carp I may not be, baffled by beef is more of clout.

My mouth is more like my escape pod than what my ears like to hear. And basically I would really like to just type type type something, fingers aching to run their race. Fascinated by everything, bored by surface imagery.

Discrepancies in coherence might occur. Someday maybe those random thoughts will make sense even for me, but until then, take musings on physics and the origins of time with a pinch of salt, while wondering what that rabid mourning of love is doing here in the first place.

What else can we be if honest with ourself in all manners of confusion, contradictory thoughts, actions that belies one's faith, all senses struggling to be unfiltered, trying to grasp what is going on. Right here, right now. The land of the future. What is history to my experience of reality. What is simulation? Must truth be anything other than words?

Apart from that, daily thoughts and a relaxed atmosphere. Anything you object upon or just want off your chest, do it. Do it, ok? Do it. Feed the carp, yes?